If you mean the company and the very first consoles I would say it would of cost alot of money to buy. Back then maybe games were only for rich people.
yes, however the mains plug included with a US Nintendo will need an adaptor
Yes, the Nintendo DS is not region locked
Its free
$59.95 in us dollars.
Every wii point costs 0.01 US $, so 500 would cost 5$
The MSRP was $199.99 USD when it was released in the US.
it is 170$ [::[__]::] [+[__]::]
a Nintendo wii costs about $249.99 (plus tax of course) in the US
Probobly one or two dollars more then what it cost in the US
Nintendo Co, Ltd, as a company is worth around 20 billion US dollars, and has an operating cost per year of about 6 billion.
If it is the same price as in the US ($299.99), it will cost 1,105. While the deluxe pack will cost 1,400.
$249.99 in noarlunga SA
Nintendo DS Lite (pink, white, black, silver): ca. 550 lei (1 US $ = 3,03 lei)
The Nintendo DSI will be released in the U.S. in April 2009.
No, the Nintendo Wii U is released in all regions
The DSi XL's recommended retail price is £159 UK, or $180 US.
the Nintendo is 84 dollars not that much