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hello, the same thing happened to me yesterday, i was so exicted when i went to play it but then i had the same problem as you, i called up a local computer shop and asked for some advice, they told me"because it is a new game, your computer must have the latest grapic card available to play it." So its proberbly best to do what i did, im taking mine over the shop today and im going to get my graphics card updated, it should be too dear but i advise you to do the same.

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Q: When I run Sims 3 an error message pops up reading Device 0 cannot run this title There is no video graphic card supported check your system hardware I have all the system requirements met?
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How do you install sims 3 I've installed it but when i want to start the game it says device 0 cannot run this title there is no video graphic card supported check your system hardware?

I found out the "device 0 cannot run this title" problem, I am running in dual screen and this message appears when I am using both screens, if i plug out the second screen when i start the game it dosent apear. I hope this can help all of you. -PerLoL- alex:its not a problem just unchek the anti aliasing in the nvidia control panel....(for Windows XP)

You get the error message that your Action Replay MAX hardware is not in but you can clearly see it in Any answers?

This error messageÊmay indicate one of two things. One possibility is that the Action Replay MAX software is not yet installed on your computer, in which case, you should install the software. Another possibility is that the contacts are not being detected properly. If this is the case, blowing the contacts on the Action Replay MAX hardware may solve the problem.

How do you clear your message board on moshi monsters?

To remove a message, open your pinboard and choose the X button on the message. Then confirm that you want to delete it and the message will be removed.

How do message some on Q and A if you know their name?

If you are a registered member: Go to the user's profile that you want to message. Click on the letter icon at the top of the page. You will go to the user's message board. Type you message in the box and click send. You could also: Click on "My message board" in the side bar. This takes you to your message board. Type the username of the person you want to send the message to in the box beside "New message to." Type your message in the box under that. Click "Send."

What does message 1 us 01 lv mean?

What does it mean, message 1 US01 LV cannot receive a message??

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How do you install sims 3 I've installed it but when i want to start the game it says device 0 cannot run this title there is no video graphic card supported check your system hardware?

I found out the "device 0 cannot run this title" problem, I am running in dual screen and this message appears when I am using both screens, if i plug out the second screen when i start the game it dosent apear. I hope this can help all of you. -PerLoL- alex:its not a problem just unchek the anti aliasing in the nvidia control panel....(for Windows XP)

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Click ok at the bottom of the message. or if you mean stop it idfk and its pissing me off

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