What does it mean, message 1 US01 LV
cannot receive a message??
You either trade from another game or if you got the special Arceus from the 2009 event at toys r us you can choose one of the three with their special orb at lv. 1.
If you mean repairs, in the US it's 1-800-4MYXBOX.
elite 4 leader bertha has one. also,if you want one as i ment,you will find one up in the cave of ferity (where you catch lv.100 palkia) and you will find the whiscash in cave of ferity at lv.60-80. also you could find one (with only action replay) in route 207 (only with action rplay) you can buy a master ball on platinum (from seal shop only if you have action replay) you could find one in the cave of lester (where you catch dialga even if u have diamond and got one) and you could find one in the cave of turn back (where yo catch giratina even if got one) and once got them legendaries go back to cave of ferity,and go to the ferity square,and all the Pokemon on every single Pokemon game has been trapped!,and Cyrus,he is standing there and he says to you ''yo! bout you!,you've lighted a heart in my and flint and volkner's heart!,what you need to do is not to save sinnoh!,and make sure you do not defeat me again!,but if you want to free those Pokemon,even your rare warioar,you cannot!,i best keep an eye on you saving those stupid Pokemon!,or are world will be saved! but my commander will shut you up for a second while i teach theese Pokemon a good lesson to make are new world!,but if you do not shut up brat!,then its a battle!'' ''so you think you will this time get past me?,try it on the battles!'' and you are challenged by Cyrus he has Pokemon dialga lv.62 golem lv.65 darkrai lv.57 garchomp lv.71 weaville lv.69 gabbile lv.72 and defeat him and you will have (well i had) now 233 Pokemon on my poke'dex,then you will haft to use the drace (you got from palkia) and will teleport u to the aqua-clash-world,the new galactic world,and you see UXIE (even if catched in disortion world) and will disappear,then just go rightdown the metal lane until you find a bunch of 210 Pokemon of the first poke'dex,save them catch them all,even giratina again so you have 3 giratinas,and three palkias and dialgas,you get 5 master balls from the aqua store in the new world,then Cyrus will come, and he will say: ''master master! im the master! now are new world is created and sinnoh is gone!'' ''pest,you don't have a clue what this world is!,its a disortion world named the aqua-clash-world!'' Cyrus says after that ! i know this world need training so get out my sight or its a battle! ive got my dialga to shut you up and save this new world! and defeat Cyrus again,but he has: dialga lv.80 infernape lv.77 gabbile lv.84 phyperior lv.90 giratina lv.70 palkia lv.102 so defat him and he will say: ''oh well i lost! are world is saved by my dialga,palkia,and least giratina! common my legends come out!'' he sends out dialga,palkia,giratina on the floor,and but they make a huge EARTHQUAKE! on the new world and blew it up,and sinnoh had appeared again! then Cyrus and 3th 4th 5th commander goes back to veilstone building and you never knew that looker was the 4th commander and cynithia i the 5th commander you never knew! if you go though the invisible rock and will take you to the top of the spear pillar then cynithia and looker will be there aND THEY say : looker:''you got a drace!,that's find wimme! you never knew i was a commander did you!?'' cynitha:well,now you do know we are! because you battle both of us before going into the spear pillar trying to defeat are boss working in there!'' you better battle me! looker:and me now lets fight ! so you are challenged by then commanders! and they have: palkia lv.105 giratina lv.99 dialga lv.101 heatran lv.112 and last but not least,a goem lv.122 they burrowed Cyrus's Pokemon! so then defeat them and theyve sed to you: ''are battle is over and you win to defeat are boss,but we have locked the entrance to the cave of ferity and to the spear pillar!'' looker:! ''well ill be over in the galactic mansion!,now do not dear to follow me!'' cynithia:and ill block you from going in this entance going to the spear pillar! ''bout after that areboss will lock up the safety pillar so you cant get the rare oppent WARIOAR!'' so you go to the rock and go into the mansion,that's behind the rock in route 207 a rock appeared,then you go into the mansion and yet you will see looker,so battle him again with: only two Pokemon but stong dialga lv.130 palkia lv.140 once in the mansion you can get Pokemon over lv.100 so kill him and then you will be kiked out the mmansion by a tam galactic member,then looker and cynithia will be outside,battle then two gain, with the Pokemon dialga lv.X palkia lv.X (x is lv.150) giratina lv.147 and that's it! then you kill them then g back in the mqansion and Cyrus will be standing right there,battle im with: the Pokemon: giratina lv.X palkia lv.X dialga lv.X garchomp lv.X weaville lv.148 and then just bout when you kill him do you know what Pokemon will be there a nother giratina! catch that giratina and (well i had 6 giratinas) use all of your giratinas on the 1st floor machine and you lose all your giratinas,but you have one left and get lvld up to lv.X so you need to go round the mansion and find the key then use the key on the mansion door and get teleported to the top of the mansion then you see a wild WHISCASH! then catch it and your done,(BUT ONLY WITH A DRACE!) and catch it and you just left todefettat every master and caommander and member of team galactic you haft to defeat them all! (ISSUE:IT IS NOT THAT HARD!) (PROMISE:I ONLY TOOK 35 MINUTES DOING IT!0 HOPE THIS HELPED YOU LOTS! (but can only have a drace if your a member!)
On Account Of :) Normally on behalf of a deceased person.
Noun. (chiefly US, informal) A person who is clumsy, oafish, or socially awkward, or unattractive or unkempt.
Lv up all your Pokemon to lv 100(in cluding lengend Pokemon)or us action replay to get all Pokemon
If you mean the one in California, US; 8:01 p.m, PDT.
as long as it isn't an EXACT replica of LV than yes it is legal to an extent. If it looked EXACTLY like a legit LV to the tee than no it is not legal as your taking credit and cash for a fake.
The Four of Us Are Dying was created on 1960-01-01.
What is this tell us more in detailing then we will see.
this word may mean we can never know what happend to those who disappeared or the person who did that is looking for away to make us feel insecure
There Is No Love Between Us Anymore was created on 1988-01-01.
what message did Stalin want to send out to US and British governments
my friend had a mewtwo and traded it to me lv 100 ill trade for darkrai lv 100 and also if you went to toys r us you cold of got zoroak i have him he is good and get a zekrom and reshiram and charizard and other maybe dialga palkia lv 100
No, the substantial message is to provide us with a guide to life.
The decoded message says The. Crazy. Girl. Trapped. Us. Please. Save. Us.
On the UK LV website £665 - double that for $US