put it under a hammer asnd smash down the hammer
but take pain killers
if you are doing it for a cast u wil not get one
Gently put your thumb up her butt
The easiest way is between two spoons.
Carter, Since he'a an archiologist, He likes Ores & Gems!! The best way to make money is to sell Gems & Ore.. :)
There is no way to break a bone painlessly or easily. (im adding this part on to some one Else's answer) Im sure you can, it may hurt a little, or a lot, but still, some people dont feel anything at all.
the easiest way for me is to give it exp.share and face the elite 4
With a master ball.
Be able to ACT!
Gently put your thumb up her butt
Wrench it apart.
Take it to a dealer
The easiest way to get people to follow you on Instagram was be to add people you know. You can tell people you know to tell their friends.
the only way is to beat event mode 29 and then fight him
The easiest way to remove tile from a surface is to use a hammer and chisel to carefully break and pry the tiles off.
You cant have puppies on nintendogs the dogs stay puppies and never die.
the easiest way is to take it to a shop and let them do it, you have to remove the dash to get to it
you need a Pokemon event coming out very very soon
give it an exp share and then go do some battles without it getting hurt