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its pokeclone2

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Q: Whats the cheat code to clone Pokemon on pearl?
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How do you multiply Pokemon in Pokemon pearl?

The only known way(s) to multiply a Pokemon (A.K.A - Clone a Pokemon) is to-Get onto GTS (Global Trade Station) and 'Clone' the Pokemon you wish to on there.Use a cheat, but I don't know what cheat that is but I know there is one.

In Pokemon pearl I have tried the clone cheat for the master ball but it doesn't work. What is the real cheat?

i did not know there was that cheat but right now im frustrated over the Pokemon Pokemon cloning cheat. it work for me!

What is the cheat for 99 masterballs in Pokemon pearl?

well you need the action replay game cartridge cause with that you can clone your Pokemon in a sec just give the Pokemon your cloning the masterball to hold and clone him the clone and the original will be holding the masterball

How do you clone Pokemon in Pokemon pearl with action replay?

well, you can't really clone them without a AR

What is the cheat to obtain all Pokemon in Pokemon pearl?

there is no cheat

Pokemon pearl What is the cheat to get all of your Pokemon at level99?

Don't cheat, train!

Can you clone in Pokemon Pearl?

No you can not. You could in the earlier version Emerald.

Do you have to go to Jubilife City to clone Pokemon in Pearl?

yes you do

Can you get jiirachi in Pokemon pearl?

no, you have to cheat it

Is there a cheat in Pokemon pearl to make all your Pokemon level 100?

Yes there is a cheat forPokemon pearl and it is called action replay.

Is there a cheat that turns people into Pokemon in Pokemon pearl and how does it work?

no there is not a cheat for that but there are other cheats

Is there a cheat to get Pokemon from mining muesuem in pearl?

No, but you can do it without a cheat.