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It's ether Palika or Dalgia?

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Q: Whats the 149th pokemon in diamond?
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Who is the 149th Pokemon in pearl?


Whats ar code for Pokemon diamond that can chang you into a Pokemon?

That is not possible, I believe.

Whats the most powerful Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

im sure it giratina

Whats the difference between diamond en pearl?

different Pokemon

Whats the best fire Pokemon in diamond?

Either moltres or infernape

Whats the Pokemon diamond action replay ID?

it is ADAE-636791c0

Whats the best legendary Pokemon in Pokemon diamond?

That's a matter of opinion(myne is Giratina)

Whats the best Pokemon game besibes Pokemon crater?

Pokemon mysery dungeon 2 and Pokemon pearl-diamond

Whats the action replay code for Pokemon diamond to get a kings rock?


Whats the best thing to buy in the underground for Pokemon diamond.?

a red tent

Whats better Pokemon Diamond or pearl?

diamond. the legendary has a better special move, and you can get a tyrannitar on there without importing.

Whats the id for Pokemon Diamond?

If you are talking about the AR the ID would be 636791c0! !