It was started in 2005. Ever since then, they got members, then they just kept upgrading ROBLOX and it sprung into a really big thing.
u have to be on roblox for over a year
Roblox was created in 2004 by someone named Builderman.
You must be a user in ROBLOX for atleast a year to become a Vetran.
It was started in 2005. Ever since then, they got members, then they just kept upgrading ROBLOX and it sprung into a really big thing.
ROblox was discovered by many people at various different times. Some joined Roblox in 2005-2006 when it first came out. Though most of the users have joined since 2008 when Roblox started an advertising campaign.
u have to be on roblox for over a year
You get veteren 1 year after you make your account.
October 23, 2011 so it already started QUIT ROBLOX NOW
Roblox was created in 2004 by someone named Builderman.
You must be a user in ROBLOX for atleast a year to become a Vetran.
Your Roblox Account Should Be 1 Year old