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13 years old is the minimum age limit to be on WeeWorld.

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Q: What year to be on weeworld?
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Related questions

What is a year for WeeWorld?

A regular year is a weeworld year so every January first is January first

What year do you have to be for WeeWorld?

it doesnt matter

What year do you put in WeeWorld?

my answer is dec. 31 1847

Which year did WeeWorld start to make clothes cost?

Well The Year When They Made The Clothes Cost Is The Year Of: 2011, I've Been On WeeWorld Since 2009, Then They Made A New Closet And New Shop. :)

How old do you have to be to play on WeeWorld?

You have to be older than these year 1980 and 2011

What good virtual worlds are for 11 year olds?

ourworld,animal jam,fantage,imagine town,gleamville and weeworld

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Who is CleoMeo the cweeture on weeworld?

its a cat on weeworld

How do you recover your WeeWorld email?

by asking weeworld

Does AOL have WeeWorld?

Aim(aol) has a weeworld app that connects you weeworld to your aim which also makes your weeworld avatar like the one you see on the website

How do you quit WeeWorld?

you just stop playing on weeworld

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how do u unblock weeworld