craft it
In crates on the beach
Nope. Sorry, I wish
You can't get a pregnant sim on the Sims2 for PlayStation2.You can get pregnant sims on th Sims2 for the PC. I wish also you can get pregnant sims on the PlayStation version.Happy Simming!WRONG!You can get pregnant sims by making them kiss alot - then answer the phone and there we go - a new baby.
Does not make sense
Restart your game.
Well i only know sims2 pets cheats for the PC and ps2. Here is a web site that shows you the cheats:, just type in 'sims2 pets cheats' and it will come up with it. If this is not what you wanted then sorry.
aliens on sims2 can have a babay
Go on and they might have some clothes you can download for your game
No you cant.I tired to.It doesnt work.When it says "sims2" it means it needs sims2! No you cant.I tired to.It doesnt work.When it says "sims2" it means it needs sims2!
Sims2 Pets
the best is sims2seasons
Yes :) Yes like in the normal sims2
laptop friendly version of the Sims2, but works on home computers as well.
Use another sim to make death daisy poison and come back to life.
No....The Sims2 Double Deluxe Is The Real Sims Game(ComputerVersion)....Sorry:/