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Most AI words sound like long A as in AY - maid, waif, maim, nail, main, fair, bait

Only some sound like E or I : said, aisle

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Q: What words with ai when the ai sounds like an a?
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words with double vowels at the end?

A, i, and u can be doubled for emphasis. ... A, i, and u are called prime vowels in Alutiiq. ... ai - sounds like the ay in “bay” au - sounds like the ou in “out” or the ow in “grow” ia - sounds like ya in “yacht” ua - sounds like wa, in “walk” iu - sounds like “you” ui - sounds like “we”

Does the word chair have a long A?

Not technically, although it sounds like one. The AI vowel pair sounds like (ay) but is followed by an R, which makes the sound "air" (called a caret A). Some other words with this vowel sound are where, care, and bear.

What is the vowel of strain?

The vowel in "strain" is the diphthong "ai," which sounds like "ay" in English.

What words are spelled with ai that sounds like a short e?

The best known are the words again and against (uh-gen,uh-genst), and the word said (sed). The word "says" also has a short E sound (sez).

How do I pronounce suailce?

The pronunciation of "suailce" is "swal-keh". The "su" sounds like "sw" in English, the "ai" sounds like "i" in "slide," and the "ce" is pronounced like "keh" with a soft "h" at the end.

What words have the ai sound?

Most AI words sound like long A as in AY - maid, waif, maim, nail, main, fair, baitOnly some sound like E or I : said, aisle

What are words have sound like ai?

raid said laid maid paid

What are short a sounds?

The short A vowel sound is "ah" as in apple, back, and bat. The short A sound is also heard in words such as: A words (silent E) : have, calve AI words : plaid AU words : laugh, guarantee

What words that have the vowel a but sounds like a short o?

There are many words, but one example is the word "father" in which the 'a' sounds like the 'o' in box.

What does it mean to sort words by common vowel sounds and like spelling patterns?

Words that have similar vowel sounds can be grouped together, as the same sound can be made by different spellings. For example, all of these words would have the same long I sound: I words (isle, mild, find, sign) IGH and IGHT sounds (high, sigh, light, might) I words with silent E (bite, wine) IE words (die, lie, pie) EI words (stein, fraulein) AI words (aisle) Y words (my, try, type, rhyme) AY Words from French (bayou, cayenne)

What do you call words with gh kn type sounds?

Words with 'gh' and 'kn' sounds are known as consonant clusters. The combination of 'gh' produces sounds like /f/ in words like "enough" or /g/ in words like "ghost." The 'kn' cluster typically produces the /n/ sound in words like "knight" or "knit."

What words have a long a sound spelled ai?

Almost all AI paired words (and AY words) are pronounced with a long A (ay). But those with an R after the AI are classified as R-shaped vowel sounds: a caret A or "air." There are a few exceptions, such as aisle (long I), said (short E) and plaid (short A). A few long A words spelled with AI are: aid, laid, maid, paid, raid waif bail, fail, and other -ail words aim, maim attain, gain, main, pain, rain malaise, raise gait, wait waive