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it sure sounds like it in the boss level!

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Q: Are there swear words in Sonic Rush Adventure?
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When did Sonic Rush Adventure happen?

Sonic Rush Adventure happened in 2007.

When was Sonic Rush Adventure created?

Sonic Rush Adventure was created on 2007-09-14.

What are all the sonic games on DS?

Sonic Rush, Sonic Rush Adventure and Sonic Chronicles.

Sonic rush adventure?

the sequal to sonic rush (the one with blaze)

Is Sonic Colors a continuation of Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure?

No, Sonic Rush and Sonic Colours are of their own storylines and are not a continuation.

Is silver the hedgehog in sonic rush adventure?

he is in a mission mode in sonic rush

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How do you beat the last boss pink rays in sonic rush adventure?

if i were you, I'd go onto Youtube and search for, "sonic rush adventure final boss."

What is the highest rank in sonic rush adventure?


How do you find the underground hide out in Sonic rush adventure?

Oh that's easy, in Sonic Rush Adventure, all you gotta do is first, find the "Underground Hide-Out" and then... That's it.

Is there a chance Blaze will be in Sonic Rush?

Yes! I've beaten the game, and she is in fact in Sonic Rush and Sonic Rush Adventure, and several other games... I believe 10 total.

Sonic rush adventure how do you get the 5 sol emerald?

no!!! You get 7!!