They spell the 5 letter words comer and crook. They also spell the word joker.
Those letters spell WE ORPHANS.
H I J K L M N O is the chemical formula for water. The letters go from H to O, H20 =)
H o m e
You can spell many, many, many words with those letters.
Miss Louise McNaught
M E T A M O R P H I C is the accepted spelling of the word metamorphic.
Some words that can be spelled with D U M O N are:dodondunduomodMon.moundmudnonodon
As m-u-c-h-o, or m-u-y, depending on the context and dialect.
H-o-t d-a-y-u-m!
HI, of, Is,
mop, what , ham, pot, hat, hot, map, tap, hop, a, at