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Q: What words can you make out of the word hungry?
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What sentence can you make with woke hungry and bed?

How about we paint a happy little sentence together? "I woke up feeling hungry, so I decided to make myself a delicious snack before heading to bed." Remember, it's all about finding joy in the simple things in life.

What are the Esperanto words for hungry and full?

The Esperanto words for hungry and full are malsata and plena.

What is the word 'hungry' when translated from English to Indonesian?

The word 'hungry' in Indonesian is lapar.

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You can make 33 words from the word "silent."

Words you can make out of the word animals?

Words that you can make from the word animals are:AailaimamananalasAsiaII'minislamamailnailnilsinslainslamsnail

How do you compare as hungry as?

You can use the word "hungry" in a simile like this: I am as hungry as a wolf.

How do you make sentences with the word hurry?

I hope they hurry with that lunch delivery, I'm really hungry.

How many words can you make from the word download?

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