There are words that Begin with the prefix tri- like: Triangle, Tripod, Tricycle, and Triceratops
isolate, isosceles, isotope, isometricIsolate and isotope are words. They begin with the letters ISO.
There are very few words that begin with the prefix dana. The only common word is danazol which is considered to be an illegal drug.
conserve, Contingent, concord, constable, converse, connect, convert, conform, etc.
Words that begin with the prefix "ie" include "ielectric," "iefficient," and "iempower."
Some words with the prefix 'ex' are:extractexaggerateexaltexcavateexceedexcelexceptexcerptexcessexchangeexciseexciteexclaimexcludeexcuseexecuteexemptexertexhaleexhibitexileexistexodusexpectextraditeextreme
Some words that begin with the prefix "ambu" include ambulance, ambulatory, and ambulate.
Some words that start with the prefix "ex" are: exclaim, explore, extend, and exclude.
Some words that begin with the prefix "aug" include: augment, august, augur, and augury.
Words that begin with the prefix "ir" and mean "not" include irregular, irresponsible, irrelevant, and irrational.
Some words are:OfficeOfficiencyOffensiveOffenseOf
The prefix ex means out of; outside of; from. Some words that start with the prefix ex are: excavate, exchange, exclude, excrete, exfoliate, exhale, expel, expend, extern, external, extinct, extortion, extreme, extremity, extrude, exude, and so on. The prefix ex also means former, and in this case it is hypenated: ex-friend, ex-spouse, ex-Muslim.