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Q: What word that starts with d means something pleasing delicate?
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Euphotic means that something has a pleasing appearance.

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The word is pleasant.

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It means something looks good- has a pleasing appearance.

How do you say delicate in Egyptian?

There isn't a direct translation for the word "delicate" in Egyptian, as it is an English adjective. However, the closest equivalent could be "هش" (hosh), which means fragile or delicate in the sense of being easily damaged.

Why wife not sensual?

Sensuality means something or someone " pleasing to the senses" It has got nothing to do with sex, sexiness or sexuality.

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It means to give or show them something very pleasing, exciting, or shocking.

What means pretty that rhymes with mule?

The word "beautiful" rhymes with "mule." It is used to describe something that is attractive or pleasing to look at.

What does the root word grat mean?

The root word "grat" means pleasing or thankful. It is derived from the Latin word "gratus," which means pleasing or grateful.

What does SUBTLETY?

It means something that is delicate and precise. Such as an mild odor in the air. It can also mean to have a sharp mind to understand something, such as sublte understanding of astrophysics.

What does as delicate as a flower mean?

It means the subject you are talking about is very delicate. Flowers are very delicate.

What is a word for pleasing to hear?

Euphonious ( lit. "good sounding") means pleasing to hear.

What word starts with d and means sticky?

adhesive, claggy, gluey humid and hot, dank, sweltering, sultry difficult, embarrassing, delicate, discomforting