PET on plastics stands for polyethylene. There are probably other similar abbreviations that mean different things, though.
Items, or events
No. It is both a hyphenated and abbreviated word. E-mail stands for Electronic Mail.
The term for a word that stands for something other than its literal meaning is "metaphor." A metaphor is a figure of speech that implies a comparison between two unrelated concepts or things.
Among other things, PBG stands for Palm Beach Gardens, a city in Florida.
Among other things RD stands for Registered Dietitian ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RD stands for Ramon Daniel
It could stand for Ultraviolet or many other things.
It could mean many things to other people like hot dog... but on T.V. it stands for high definition.
Amongst other things, BTA stands for British Tourist Authority.
Amongst other things, BTA stands for British Tourist Authority.
Among other things, DF stands for Dean Foods.
Among other things, there are three stands of Giant Sequoia.
migration, barbecue, lemonade stands, watering holes, other dinosaur things
Greek word icosa stands for which no.