The longest possible word is RADIOSONDE, which is ten letters long and is a unit of measurement for weather balloons. There's no word that can be made with all of those letters.
boughs, coughs, roughs
They spell the word" respect" , in english.
In some Christian traditions, the letters in the word "Jesus" are sometimes interpreted to represent Jesus's role or attributes. J stands for "Jesus," E stands for "Emmanuel," S stands for "Savior," U stands for "Unique," and S stands for "Son."
The smallest answer possible is two letters long and is "No". There is no other word that is one letter long that can be used as a complete answer to a question, hence the smallest answer (in English at least) is two letters long.
In the word "plight," the letters "i" and "g" have the long "i" sound.
'app' stands for 'application' which is another word (in IT terms) for a program.
How can the word be 3 letters long if "sand" alone is 4? .
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a 36 letter long word.
No, "late" is not a long word. It has only four letters.
Acronym. Like NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. That's an acronym.