The word, "Impossibility" refers to something that could never happen.
It means threatening or foreboding, indicating that something bad is going to happen, e.g. an ominous sound, an ominous dream.It is an adjective form of omen, a sign or foretelling.
To "Cause" is a five letter action word makes something happen.
"Cause" is the action word that makes something happen.
I've is a word that means I have. I'll is a word that means I will.
Compreesed isn't a word, compressed is and that means to squash someting basically.
someting to whine about
Someting like lightining
when someting is carved or written on a piece of metal.
"Observe" means to watch something happen.
no. hopeful means that if you want something to happen, then you are hopeful that it will happen. pity means if something bad happened, it would be a pity.
The word 'happen' means 'to occur' or 'to take place'. The word 'happen' originate from hap that is either hap the noun or the extended form of hap the verb.