Weights- take away the 'w' and 's' and you get 'eight'- weights
Sixty... when u take 2 letters away you are left with 'six'
The word "sixty."
Anyway away way! etc...
Queue. Queu Que Qu Q
garlic keeps vampires away
Festa di partenza is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "going away party." The feminine singular prepositional phrase translates literally as "party of departure" in English. The pronunciation will be "FEH-sta dee par-TEN-tsa" in Italian.
Queue or Q (as in waiting in a queue or the letter Q)
QUEUE, remove "UEUE", say Q
It is the strong smell in the trees that keeps the insects away.
an apple a day keeps pimples away. it is one of the biggest cures for pimples. but two a day is even better
Va-t'en! is a French equivalent of "You get out of here!" The present imperative, reflexive pronoun, and partitive also may be translated into English as "Be off!" or Go away!" The pronunciation will be "va-taw" in French.