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Some words you can make with 'these letters' are:eelellesteretherheheelherleelesslestletreelresetrestseeseetheseersetsetteesettersettleshesheersheetsleetstreettestthetheethesetreetress
cat start with the letters ca
Some words that start with the letters tr:tracetracktradetrailtraintramptraptrashtraveltraytreadmilltreattreetrendtriadtrialtribetricktricycletriptripodtrolleytrooptrophytrouserstrucetrucktruetrulytrumptrusttruth
Some things (nouns) that start with letters A-Z are:angelapplebrushbuttercarcarpetdandeliondinosaureggeraserfarmflapgonggumhairpinhatiglooironjeweljumperkitchenkitelaundrylemonmelonmousenoisenoseoatoperapavementpineapplequartquarterroperosesandwichsirloin steaktelevisiontubukuleleumbrellavestvestibulewagonwristxenonx-rayyakyolkzipperzircon
Some sports with four letters are polo,scuba and golf
The word "wholesome"
the word "Wholesome"
the word Wholesome
The word 'wholesome'.
Wholesome (it's a real word)
Whole- - - - (take away the some) wholesome whole THE ANSWER IS IN THE RIDDLE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD :'( :D your welcome!
Whole some. You take away the whole and there are still SOME left over
A sponge.
When you take away the whole and still have some left over it is because you divided the word "wholesome" in two.