boy, coy, joy, soy, toy, ahoy, buoy, cloy, ploy, troy, annoy, decoy, royal, destroy, convoy, doyley, destroyer, alloy, annoyed, annoying
Hi. If you're including "oy" in the word; "enjoy" is a five letter word that ends with "oy" enjoy
Alloy, annoy, coyly, decoy, enjoy, envoy, foyer, loyal, ploys, royal, savoy and toyed are 5 letter words. They contain the letters OY.
Hi. If you're including "oy" in the word; "enjoy" is a five letter word that ends with "oy" enjoy
Words with the letters oy include: boy joy toy ahoy employ annoy enjoy soy coy Roy destroy ploy royal oyster convoy alloy (sp?)
The word "oyster" has two syllables: "oy-ster".
A word meaning "to come together" is join.
OY is a Yiddish word - it is usually part of the phrase "oy vey" which means "oh woe" or "alas" but occasionally you see it alone. It is a term of despair which is used as an exclamation in time of trouble and strife.
The letters "lkasjdlkj" does not make a word. This is just letters put together.
I am = Soy Am = Oy
Bugo man mo oy hahaha
"Voyage" is a word with an "oy" vowel sound and means a long journey, typically by sea.
The word "futile" fits the criteria for a 9-letter word meaning useless with the vowel sound oi or oy.