Hi. If you're including "oy" in the word; "enjoy" is a five letter word that ends with "oy" enjoy
envoy enjoy
olla Pronunciation: oy ya
Ay, by, my, oy, Sy, Ty, Cy
Hi. If you're including "oy" in the word; "enjoy" is a five letter word that ends with "oy" enjoy
The word "futile" fits the criteria for a 9-letter word meaning useless with the vowel sound oi or oy.
The second way to spell "oy" is "oi".
Oy (אוי) = "Oh" or "Alas"
The spelling "oy" is usually found at the end of a word or syllable.
The meaning of "ziggy zaggy, ziggy zaggy, oi oi oi is basically wishing people good health. The term originates from a German drinking song.
The word "boy" has 3 phonemes: /b/ /oi/ /ɪ/.
Oy Vey.
The Yiddish word "oye" is typically spelled as "oy" or "oi" in English. It is an expression used to convey a variety of emotions such as surprise, dismay, or exasperation.
Yes, the word "toy" has a long vowel sound for the letter "o" as in "tOY".
Some words with the oi sound include boil, coin, and spoil. Words with the oy sound include boy, joy, and toy.