Pokemon platinum will be next, it's an advanced diamond and pearl (like emerald was to ruby/sapphire)
also there may be a gold and silver remake for the ds but this is not confirmed
Pokemon diamond & pearl
The recent Pokemon game that came to the US is Pokemon Picross. Pokemon Z and Pokemon GO has been announced to come out soon, assuming it'll be in 2016.
the next Pokemon game will come out in spring 2011 and will be called Pokemon black and white
They normally come out some time after they come out in Japan. The next Pokemon game to come out is Pokemon Platinum, they say that it will come out in America some time in 2009.
ninteno has not made a new one yet that is released. BUT CHEER UP! there rumors of a new Pokemon coming out soon...... its the first legendary that can actually evolve! but this Pokemon is yet completely known. It is dataless exceplt for its name and picture. the rumor is of................................Zoura and Zoark........2 legendary fire Pokemon........................................................
on the next version for pokemon.
Pokemon diamond & pearl
Next year or two, two of the new generation Pokemon will appear in Pokemon: Master of illusions-Zoroark
the next Pokemon movie will not be released in the us!!! wat a rippoff!!!!
its in sept 28 until october 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where and what times with which Pokemon?! What part of New York?
next to the Pokemon center
surf to the right of new bark town.
there will be 3 new events one is bug type but I forgot the rest
The recent Pokemon game that came to the US is Pokemon Picross. Pokemon Z and Pokemon GO has been announced to come out soon, assuming it'll be in 2016.
it is next to cycle road (it is like a mini island)
There ALWAYS be new Pokemon. so look forward to the next Pokemon game.
AnswerThe new Pokemon theme song "The Greatest Everyday" does not seem to herald a new series of Pokemon. It is simply the third opening song of the Pokemon Diamond and Pearl series.