First of all pokebay is a website where you trade Pokemon with other people and send messages to them. To trade pokemons you need to have a Pokemon game on Nintendo DS. Once you catch them you put them on your pokebay and you can trade pokemons with other people.
rock type pokemons can use dig and fighting types also
The game and TV show is real, but there are no real creatures such as pokemons.
old games download website. Since this is out of print they have it there.
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First of all pokebay is a website where you trade Pokemon with other people and send messages to them. To trade pokemons you need to have a Pokemon game on Nintendo DS. Once you catch them you put them on your pokebay and you can trade pokemons with other people.
how do you get legendary pokemons how do you get legendary pokemons
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go to and click on the pokemons picture that you want.
Pokemons are pokemons
Pokemon vortex is a website where u can play pokemon game! Catch pokemon, battle with friends, collect badges, complete events and sidequest, buy pokemons, get money and legendary pokemons from lottery and much more to go in the website here is the link - (copy it and paste it!)
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