Any weapon that has a great crush bonus:
The best monster to kill with crush is earth warriors and it levels you up fast. in the edgeville dungeon it's in the wilderness so watch out for revenant imps they can hit up to 23.
The best monster to kill in Runescape would be the King Black Dragon.
You're going to need armour and high combat stats. You're not going to kill a frost dragon with a bronze dagger and your rubbish bin lid at level 3. Sara Brews are recommended and a decent weapon like a Barrows weapon or even a Godsword. An Abyssal Whip is not recommended but it can be categorised as a decent weapon depending on the enemy. I'm not an expert at frost dragons because I buy the frost bones, I don't kill them for it.
Black Demon Weaknesses:Darklight (Weapon)Silverlight (Weapon)Holy waterCrush attacks (Mace, Battle Axe, Great Axe, 2h-Swords)Slash attacks (Longsword, 2h Swords, Daggers, Short Swords)Magic attacks
He is easy to kill only level 20, you have to be a woman in Runescape to get to him though, my guesses your doing the recruitment Drive Quest.
minotours for right skull half,
You can kill them using any weapons they are pretty weak, but they don't have a weakness like pyre's.
The best monster to kill with crush is earth warriors and it levels you up fast. in the edgeville dungeon it's in the wilderness so watch out for revenant imps they can hit up to 23.
kill men and woman if you are lucky or kill lvl42 moss giants to get them
The best way to level up your weapon is to kill lots of enemies and officers. Killing enemies helps too.
kill 500 in empire mode not free mode
Warriors kill people to win their battles.They also kill because they hate people.
Go on hard mode and kill Dian Wei twice, although it doesn't matter to kill the supply troops, it will help.
A weapon that can kill.
The best monster to kill in Runescape would be the King Black Dragon.
depends if you have good armor, weapon and food you should kill moss or hill giants
Don't let any one pass the bridge and kill all generals on hard