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There is no information given in the series about what happened to them prior to the Dragonball Manga/anime. However, the first wish made on the Dragonballs in the series was Oolong who wished for "the panties from a real hot girl".

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Q: What was the first wish on the dragonballs?
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What did Goku wish with all the dragonballs?

For people to be revived (his friends & family). But most of the time it is them wishing for Goku to be revived.

Who made the dragonballs?

On Earth, Kami created the Dragonballs. On Namek, the Namekian elder created them. When the person who created the dragonballs dies, the dragonballs disappear. This is why, after Kami dies, Dende replaces him as guardian of Earth and creates a new set of Dragonballs.

How many dragonballs are there?

There are 7 dragonballs. If you are reffering to the manga there are 16 volumes.

How many times can the dragonballs wish you back to life?

On earth once but on dragon ball z gt in the black star dragon balls saga you can and will get a rule free wish like bring back a planet with everyone on so you can wish back people more than 1 time like goku wished back krillin with them.

How can you wish in dbz esf?

First you have to collect all dragonballs. In some levels there are 7 and in some (cell_day) there is only one (you can make a wish with only that on on that level). When you drop all 7 dragonballs close to each other they will glow. then come close to them and press use item button (default: b). You will get 7 options: strength (increases your PL for 1,000,000+(500,000*wishlevel)), stats upgrade (i'm not completely sure what it does, sorry), unlimited ki (for short period of time), health (regenerates your health), wishlevel (used to incerase effect of strength wish),moon (moon appears, needed for ssj4, only with big pack 8.4), portaras (needed for vegetto, when you take them scroll to them and hold right mouse button, only with goku or vegeta )

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How do you get the Hercule fusion?

If you mean on DBZ: Budokai 2, then you have to get all the Dragonballs and wish for Goku's breakthrough, then get all the Dragonballs and wish for Hercule's breakthrough and POOF suddenly you have Gocule.

What would you wish for if you had all 7 dragonballs?

I would wish that i knew the answer to all my problems as they occurred. what about you?

Why cant goku and the others use the dragonballs in dragonball gt?

The dragon balls on gt are the blackstar dragonballs which when a wish is made the planet that they were used on will be destroyed in one year

Can saiyans become super saiyan by using the dragonballs?

Well... Dragonballs can grant any wish so saiyans can ask the dragon to turn them to super saiyans so it is possible

What do you have to do when you get all 7 Dragon Balls in the Dragon Ball z budokai game and if i did not get all the Dragon Balls and im missing the first and second Dragon Ball how do i get them?

you get the dragonballs by beating the sagas when you do that go to the edit menu go into character customization go all the way to the end and it should say dragonballs if you see all of them there click on the menu and then click on the first dragonball and then it will ask you do you want to make a wish click yes and then make a wish

What did Goku wish with all the dragonballs?

For people to be revived (his friends & family). But most of the time it is them wishing for Goku to be revived.

Who made the dragonballs?

On Earth, Kami created the Dragonballs. On Namek, the Namekian elder created them. When the person who created the dragonballs dies, the dragonballs disappear. This is why, after Kami dies, Dende replaces him as guardian of Earth and creates a new set of Dragonballs.

How many dragonballs are there?

There are 7 dragonballs. If you are reffering to the manga there are 16 volumes.

What is shenrons wish?

It is the option on DBZ TK3 after you have collected all the dragonballs in the different modes, it will show up in the main menu and it is how you unlock secret things!

How do you get z item kiss 18 to increase power for any character in dragon ball tenkaichi budokai 2?

go to the dragon adventure collect all seven dragonballs and wish for it

Why did Goku leave with the dragonballs in dbgt?

Goku sacrifice him self to bring back every one that was kill by the evil dragons. The only way for wish to be granted he had to leave w/sheron

How do you make the dragonballs?

Unfortunately, you can't