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The first home video game console was the Magnavox Odyssey.

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Q: What was the first console ever made?
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When was the first console made?

the first console ever made was in 1972

What was the first gaming system ever made?

The magnavox was the first gaming console ever made. It was released in 1973ish and could only play one game, "Pong". Many people also think that a one game console doesn't count and that Atari was the first real console.

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That would be Nintendo that made the 3DS console. The first consoles were released back in mid-2011. They've been making improvements to the console ever since it was released.

What is the first ever game console?


Where was the first gaming console made?

First Console by Magnavox was a flop. Built in the USA

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What was the first ever gaming console was made?

The Playstation in 1994 was made by Sony and called the Playstation later models came in 2000 PS2 and 2006 PS3

What was the first ever gaming console made by PlayStation?

The Playstation in 1994 was made by Sony and called the Playstation later models came in 2000 PS2 and 2006 PS3

What Was the First games Console made By Sega?

The first video game console made by Sega was the SG-1000, but it was only released in Japan (and Australia). The first game console by Sega to be released in North America was the Sega Master System

Is the Nintendo Wii the first motion sensitive console?

yes indead it was the first motion sinsitive console it was made in 2007

Who made the first PS1?

A game console made by Sony Entertainment.

What was the first game console made?

The first hand held gaming system ever documented was the Nintendo "Game & Watch". It looked alot like a DS and had 2 buttons. This was before Nintendo's big step into the console market with the NES. It was made in 1980 and had one game inplanted into it. If you wanted a more than one game, you had to buy another Game & Watch. The Gameboy Color was NOT first whomever answered this question previously to me. Also, the first Nintendo handheld console where you could switch games was the ORIGINAL Gameboy. The Nintendo Gameboy.