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The Nitendo WII

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Q: What was Nintendos first video game ever made?
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Nintendos Mario first appeared in what video game?

Mario first appeared in Mario vs donkey kong

What was the first video game ever to be crated?

The first video game was called "Tennis for two".

What is the first video game ever?

Tennis for two was the first video game ever created in the 50s

What was the video game ever called?

The first video game was a 1958 game galled Tennis for Two.

What is the first video game system ever made?

== ==

What is nintendos bigst fail?

The Virtual Boy. It was a sterioscopic 3D video game player that you wore on your eyes. It failed soon after its release.

How were video games first created?

a game called pong was the first home video game and the first game EVER made and it was made in good old USA

What was the first video game ever invented and who made it?

The first computer video game was patented in 1947 and was a "missile target game." The first sport video game, among the first coin-operated games, was Pong in 1972.

What was the name of the fisrt computer video game?

the first video game to ever come out was before pong and it was called

What was the name of the first video game to ever be invented?


What was the first game system game ever?

The first video game was pong. But the first console was Atari.

What was the first video game ever invented?

The first video game, according to wikipedia was pong, and tennis for two. It says its debatable who made the first video game. Of course one early one was pacman! (duhXD!)