The only games Vegeta can go SSJ3 is in Dragon Ball Raging Blast 1 and 2 and a hack someone made called Dragon Ball Budokai AF a hack of Budokai 3
Vegeta could pass super saiyan 2 but he never trained to like Goku did. He used the Bluts Wave to become a great ape and then golden ape because he needs the artificial power because he lost his tail. vegeta didn't achieve super saiyan 3 he skipped it and went super saiyan 4 using blux waves but you can play as ss3 vegeta in the video games
No, Super Saiyan 2 is as far as he goes, he never becomes Super Saiyan 3 or 4.
super man
Super Smash Brothers, Super Mario 64, Street Fighter, Super Metroid. Those a few.
on mega video episode 230
Only in the the video games
Vegeta could pass super saiyan 2 but he never trained to like Goku did. He used the Bluts Wave to become a great ape and then golden ape because he needs the artificial power because he lost his tail. vegeta didn't achieve super saiyan 3 he skipped it and went super saiyan 4 using blux waves but you can play as ss3 vegeta in the video games
dragon ball z raging blast
Only in the video games
Of course! Gohan could become Super saiyan 2 in the cell saga after android 16's farewell and destruction, then another loss, provocated or not, he could go past that evel and certainly attain super saiyan 3!
No, there is no Super Saiyan 5. It is not even a dragon ball. It was mentioned in GT in a conversation between Bulma and Vegeta, but it was never achieved.
No, Super Saiyan 2 is as far as he goes, he never becomes Super Saiyan 3 or 4.
Dragonball z:The Legendary super saiyan can be watched at Yahoo!Video,I checked to see how to answer the question,and yeah,you can watch it at Yahoo!Video. Dragonball z:The Legendary super saiyan can be watched at Yahoo!Video,I checked to see how to answer the question,and yeah,you can watch it at Yahoo!Video.
Achievement of the level of Super Saiyan in the video game Dragon Ball Z is an extremely rare occurrence. In fact, only a handful of players have achieved this level. There is no higher level than Super Saiyan.
Goku, Vegeta, and Broly
No, he will never be in Super Smash Bros., as only characters that originated in video games can be in Super Smash Bros., and he did not originate in video games.