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fire, rock, ground from an offensive perspective (when the attacker is a water type) if you're asking which types water is resistant to then ice, fire, steel, water. You can also find information on several other websites, if I forgot something just look the remaining information up using bulbapedia or any other website related to pokemon stats, types etc.

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Q: What types are weak against water?
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Which types of Pokémon are strong against Water-Type?

Water-Type moves are weak against Grass-Types, Dragon-Types, and other Water-Types. Water-Type Pokémon are weak against Electric-Types and Grass-Types.

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They are strong against a lot of types. They are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Ground though XD. They are also weak against water types.

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Ground types are weak against grass, water and ice.

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Pupitar is a Rock- and Ground-Type, so it is weak against Steel-Types, Ground-Types, Fighting-Types, and Ice-Types, and exceptionally weak against Water-Types and Grass-Types.

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Elite four members: Aaron, Bertha, Flint, Lucian. Aaron has Bug types and they are weak against Rock, Flying, and Fire. Bertha has Ground types and they are weak against Water types. Flint has Fire types and they are weak against Rock, Water, and Ground. Finally Lucian has Psychic types and they are weak against Dark, Bug, and Ghost.

What Pokemon are weak against what diamond?

Lots of pokemon types can be weak against one but, obviously, the basics are,Grass is weak against fire, fire is weak against water, water is weak against grass, water is weak against electric, metal is weak against fire, normal is weak against dark, dark is weak against poison, flying is weak against electric, Sorry for boring you, ( I am under the age of 10) XP Thanks for your time :D

Which Pokémon types are weak against Water-Type?

Water-Type moves are strong against Fire-Types, Rock-Types, and Ground-Types. Water-Type Pokémon are strong against Fire-Types, Ice-Types, Steel-Types, and other Water-Types.

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Rock-Type moves are weak against Fighting-Types, Ground-Types, and Steel-Types. Rock-Type Pokémon are weak against Water-Types, Grass-Types, Fighting-Types, Ground-Types, and Steel-Types.

What are water types strong against?

Water-type Pokemon are weak against Electric and Grass-type attacks.

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It is a matter of opinion. Chikorita is a grass type, so it is strong against water, ground, and rock types and weak against fire, ice, poison, flying, and bug. Cyndaquil is a fire type, so it's strong against grass, ice, bug, and steel types and weak against water, ground, and rock types. Totodile is a water type, so it is strong against fire, ground, and rock types and weak against grass and electric types.

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Gardevoir is weak against the Ghost, Poison and Steel-types.

What type is weak against Electric?

Electric-Type moves are strong against Water-Types and Flying-Types. Electric-Type Pokémon are strong against Flying-Types, Steel-Types, and other Electric-Types.