In Generation I, Bug Pokemon were weak to Fire, Flying, Poison and Rock types. In Generation II and onward, they are weak to Fire, Flying and Rock types.
Bug Pokemon are resistant against Fighting, Grass and Ground types in all generations.
Bug type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Flying. Not fighting there not weak against fighting types, there weak against Fire, Flying and Rock.
Fighting types and Bug types. Certain dark Pokemon are also immune to electric types. _______________________________________________________________________ Dark Pokemon are immune to Psychic types. They're weak against Fighting and Bug Types, and resist Dark and Ghost Types.
Dark-Type Pokemon are weak against: Fighting-Types Bug-Types
The Pokemon that are weak to bug Pokemon are Pokemon that are the grass, poison, or psychic type.
Grass type Pokémon are weak to Fire, Flying, Ice, Bug and Poison. Ground types are weak to Water, Ice and Grass. So both types are weak to Ice.
If I understand your question correctly, Dark, Psychic, and Grass are weak against Bug.
Grass and I think bug not sure
Bug type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Flying. Not fighting there not weak against fighting types, there weak against Fire, Flying and Rock.
Grass, bug, ice, and steel
The type weak on bug is fight,bug is super effective on dark. Hope this helps
No. Fire-Types are strong against Grass-Types, Bug-Types, Ice-Types, and Steel-Types. Dark-Types are weak against Bug-Types and Fighting-Types.
Fighting types and Bug types. Certain dark Pokemon are also immune to electric types. _______________________________________________________________________ Dark Pokemon are immune to Psychic types. They're weak against Fighting and Bug Types, and resist Dark and Ghost Types.
Dark-Type Pokemon are weak against: Fighting-Types Bug-Types
usally fighting and bug (depends if it has a second type)
The Pokemon that are weak to bug Pokemon are Pokemon that are the grass, poison, or psychic type.
If you mean what they're weak to, it's Dark, Ghost and Bug types.
Use water pokemon, grass types or bug types because both Solrock and Lunatone are weak to these types