Bug type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Flying.
Not fighting there not weak against fighting types, there weak against Fire, Flying and Rock.
Bug Pokemon are weak against: Fire type moves, Rock Type moves and Flying Type moves.
flying type, fire type, bug type and ice type
Grass-type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Flying, Poison, Ice, and Bug-type attacks.
Dark-Type Pokemon are weak against: Fighting-Types Bug-Types
Psychic-types are weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type moves.
If I understand your question correctly, Dark, Psychic, and Grass are weak against Bug.
Bug Pokemon are weak against: Fire type moves, Rock Type moves and Flying Type moves.
they r weak against fire, flying, poison, bug and ice
Shroomish due to it being a Grass-type is weak against Ice, Fire, Bug and Flying-type attacks.
flying type, fire type, bug type and ice type
It is weak against water, grass, ground, bug, ghost, dark and steel. It have ability levitate and ground type can not him him.
Ghost or other psychic Pokemon, depending on the Pokemon in question.
Grass type Pokemon are weak against Ice, Fire, Poison, Bug and Flying.
Grass-type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Flying, Poison, Ice, and Bug-type attacks.
Dark-Type Pokemon are weak against: Fighting-Types Bug-Types
Psychic-types are weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type moves.
Psychic-type Pokemon are weak against Dark, Ghost, and Bug-type attacks.