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Flying type Pokemon are good against normal Pokemon.

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Q: What type of Pokemon is flying good against?
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What type is good against fighting types Pokemon?

the pokemon good against fighting are: flying ground fire (I think)

What type pokemon are good against dustox?

Flying and Fire.

What is flying type good against?

Flying type moves are super-effective against grass, bug, and fighting Pokemon. However, they are only half-as-effective against electric, rock, and steel Pokemon.

What kind of Pokemon is weak to fighting?

Fighting type pokemon are weak against psychic attacks

What are flying Pokemon good against?

Flying type moves are super-effective against grass, bug, and fighting Pokemon. However, they are only half-as-effective against electric, rock, and steel Pokemon.

What is super effective against machamp?

Machamp is a fighting type Pokemon all fighting Pokemon are weak against flying types and psychic types that use flying type and psychic type moves so Pokemon like pidgeot or alakazam will do good against machamp.

What is super effective against Flying type Pokemon?

Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.

What Pokemon nature is the strongest?

I think fire and flying are good against nature type pokemon!!

What Pokemon is good against electricity?

Earth and water Pokemon are good against electric Pokemon.

What Pokemon types are strong against Fighting?

Fighting types are weak against psychic and flying types.

What types are super-effective against the flying type in Pokemon?

Rock, electric and ice type moves are super-effective against flying type pokemon.

What is good against ground Pokemon?

Water type moves and Grass type moves. Electric moves will have no effect. Flying types and Pokemon with levitate ability are good as ground-type moves have no effect against them.