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Q: What type of Pokemon is Celebi?
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Related questions

Where is Celebi on Pokemon Diamond?

Celebi is a legendary Psychic and Grass type Pokemon. It can only be obtained by trading or through a Nintendo event.

How do get Celebi on Pokemon Gold?

You will have to cheat for it. Or alternatively you can do a glitch to do it. Type in on google: Celebi egg trick.

What is the national pokedex number for Celebi?

Celebi is #251 in the national pokedex, and is a Psychic-Grass type Pokemon.

Is the Pokemon Celebi a girl?

No, Celebi is a genderless Pokemon.

What does Celebi look like?

Celebi is green and is a leaf type pokemon,and has two wings.I know because I have the card my self.

Where do you capture Celebei in Pokemon Heartgold?

Im sorry to say but you can not catch the legenedry celebi in Pokemon heart gold but you can get action replay and type in the code for action replay to catch celebi or you could go to the next celebi event

Is there a grass type in Pokemon 4ever?

Yes there is Celebi. It's SOOOOOO cute!!!

What Pokemon game has Celebi on the front?

The game that has the Pokemon celebi on it is POKEMON NARANJA look for it on Google

What number Pokemon is Celebi?

Celebi is #251.

Can you keep Celebi when you get zoroa in Pokemon White?

i need a celebi on pokemon white how to get it

Where do you catch Celebi Pokemon White?

You can't catch celebi in pokemon white.

What two pokemon breed Celebi?

Celebi is a legendary pokemon and cannot be obtained by breeding.