Sceptile is purely a Grass-type Pokemon, but when it Mega Evolves, it'll be Grass/Dragon-type.
Roselia, Bellossom or Sceptile.
i'd recomend using a grass type like sceptile or ludicolo but if you choose sceptile, watch out! or ice beam could do some great damage
No im afriad not, to breed the two Pokemon must be of the same type and different genders
I would say Venusaur, Meganium, Sceptile. Also there is Celebi and Shaymin as legendries.
absol and sceptile
Sceptile is the Grass type starter of the Hoenn region.
Sceptile is #254 in the national pokedex, and it is a Grass type Pokemon.
Roselia, Bellossom or Sceptile.
no i think torterra or sceptile because they have great damage on the opponents Pokemon and they both have dual types sceptile can learn dragon type moves and fighting- blafreen Scyther Is "Bug" Type
no because emboar is a fire type pokemon which is sceptiles weakness and it does way more attack than sceptile, plus emboar is a fifth gerenation pokemon .
no way!!! there are no sceptile in Pokemon yellows safari
i'd recomend using a grass type like sceptile or ludicolo but if you choose sceptile, watch out! or ice beam could do some great damage
Sceptile is way better than Breloom. Swampert is better than Sharpedo, Swampert is also a Ground type.
a swampert, lombre, or sceptile. if you don't have one then use a water or grass type