the new fairy type
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ground/rock type pokemon. ground/rock type pokemon are not affected by electric type moves. you should defeat ground/rock type pokemon with water type pokemon.
Fairy type Pokemon are weak to Poison and Steel type Pokemon.
Normal type pokemon are best and rock type pokemon also.Electric attacks against rock type pokemon become ineffective.
Steel type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Fighting, and Ground type attacks
torterra is the best grass type Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon VULTRAE:torterra or roserade
Kanto: Brock-Rock type Pokemon user Misty-Water type Pokemon user Lt. Surge-Electric type Pokemon user Erika-Grass type Pokemon user Sabrina-Psychic type Pokemon user Blaine-Fire type Pokemon user Giovanni-Ground type Pokemon user Janine-Poison type Pokemon user Johto: Falkner-Flying-type Pokemon user Bugsy-Bug type Pokemon user Whitney-Normal type Pokemon user Morty-Ghost type Pokemon user Chuck-Fighting type Pokemon user Jasmine-Steel-type Pokemon user Pryce-Ice type Pokemon user Clair-Dragon type Pokemon user Hoenn: Roxanne-Rock type Pokemon user Brawly-Fighting type Pokemon user Wattson-Electric type Pokemon user Flannery-Fire type Pokemon user Norman-Normal type Pokemon user Winona-Flying type Pokemon user Tate+Liza-Psychic type Pokemon users Juan-Water type Pokemon user Sinnoh: Roark-Rock type Pokemon user Gardenia-Grass type Pokemon user Fantina-Ghost type Pokemon user Maylene-Fighting type user Crasher-Water type Pokemon user Byron-Steel type Pokemon user Candice-Ice type Pokemon user Volkner-Electric type Pokemon user Unova: Cheren-Normal type Pokemon user Roxie-Poison type Pokemon user Burgh-Bug type Pokemon user Elesa-Electric type Pokemon user Clay-Ground type Pokemon user Skyla-Flying type Pokemon user Drayden-Dragon type Pokemon user Marlon-Water type Pokemon user
RegICE is an Ice-Type Pokemon. RegiSTEEL is a Steel-type Pokemon. RegiROCK is a Rock-Type Pokemon. Regigigas is a Normal-Type Pokemon.
Sydney (dark type pokemon), Phoebe (ghost type pokemon),Glacia (ice type pokemon), Drake (dragon type pokemon), and Steven is the Champion (steel type pokemon).
The starter Pokemon are Fennekin, the Fire-type Pokemon, Chespin, the Grass-type Pokemon, and Froakie, the Water-type Pokemon.
thunder pokemon
ground/rock type pokemon. ground/rock type pokemon are not affected by electric type moves. you should defeat ground/rock type pokemon with water type pokemon.
any Pokemon that is a dark type any Pokemon that is a dark type
Elekid is an Electric type pokemon.
Kricketot is a Bug type pokemon.
Minccino is a Normal type pokemon.
Klink is a Steel type pokemon.
the elite four are Grimsley who uses dark type Pokemon there is Caitlin who uses phycic type Pokemon there is Shauntal she uses ghost type Pokemon last but not least is Marshal he uses fighting type Pokemon and the champion Alder has 3 bug type Pokemon a dragon type Pokemon a ice type Pokemon and a normal type Pokemon.