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Q: What type is regigigas?
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Related questions

What type of Pokemon is regigigas?

Regigigas is a Normal type pokemon.

What type is the Pokemon Regigigas?

Regigigas is a pure Normal-type Pokemon.

What Pokémon type is regigigas in Pokémon deluge?

regigigas is a normal type but the most powerful regi in all

What is the national pokedex number for Regigigas?

Regigigas is #486 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.

What Pokemon is the lord of star type?

the lord of star type is Regigigas

How do you kill regigigas?

use a fighting type and fighting type moves

Who is the best normal type in Pokemon?

The best normal type Pokémon is Regigigas.

What is regice's type?

RegICE is an Ice-Type Pokemon. RegiSTEEL is a Steel-type Pokemon. RegiROCK is a Rock-Type Pokemon. Regigigas is a Normal-Type Pokemon.

Who is stronger uxie or regigigas?


Can you get regigigas in pokemon saphire?

You can only get the 3 regis and not regigigas. Regigigas is a newer pokemon.

Can regigigas learn any water type moves?

It can learn water dance through a HM.

What type of pokeball would you recommend to catch regigigas besides a master ball?

dusk ball