Bug type moves and Ghost type moves and Dark type moves are effective against psychic types, Rock types are weak against Grass, Water, Fighting, Ground and Steel type moves.
Bug types is super effective against Psychic, Dark and Grass.But beware, if you see a Fire type, Like Infernape, a Flying type, like Staraptor or a Rock type, Like Golem, then change Pokemon if you can. These Pokemon types are super effective against bug. If you got a Heracross, Psychic is 4 TIMES super effective on you.
rock,electric, psychic,ice,normal,flying,ghost,steel,fire,water,dragon, and ghost type pokemon are super-effective against a zubat
Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.
There are 3 types that work best against psychic Pokemon: Bug,Rock,Ghost, and Dark.
The most effective in rock type Pokemon is water Pokemon ofcourse.
No, grass is neutral to psychic types. It is only super-effective to water, rock, and ground types.
Machamp is a fighting Pokemon. Psychic and flying are super-effective against him. Gameguy100: I would use a psychic Pokemon against him in case he knows a rock move like rocktomb or rockslide which is super-effective against flying Pokemon.
Fire, Ground & Fighting. There may be some Pokemon that are part steel but are resistant or immune to these types. For example Skarmory is immune to Ground types because it is part flying.
fire: effective against: steel, grass, bug, ice Weak against: Dragon, water, fire, rock Water: Effective against: rock, ground, fire Weak against: water, grass, ice, dragon Grass: Effective against: water, ground, rock Weak against: grass, fire Dark: Effective against: ghost, psychic Weak against: dark, fighting, rock, steel Fighting: Effective against: dark, steel, normal, ice, rock Weak against: bug, poison, flying, psychic Not-Affected: ghost Electric: Effective against: flying, water Weak against: dragon, grass, electric Not-Affected: rock, ground Ground: Effective against: poison, steel, electric, fire, rock Weak against: bug, grass Not-Affected: flying Flying: Effective against: grass, fighting, bug Weak against: electric, steel, rock Poison: Effective against: grass Weak against: ghost, rock, ground, poison Not-Affected: Steel Dragon: Effective against: dragon Weak against: steel Steel: Effective against: rock, ice Weak against: electric, water, fire, steel Ice: Effective against: grass, rock, flying, dragon, ground Weak against: water, steel, ice, fire Rock: Effective against: flying, fire, bug, ice Weak against: rock, ground, fighting, steel Ghost: Effective against: ghost psychic Weak against: dark, steel Not-Affected: normal Bug: Effective against: dark, psychic, grass Weak against: fighting, steel, fire, flying, ghost, poison Psychic: Effective against: fighting, poison Weak against: psychic, steel Not-Affected: dark
Bug types is super effective against Psychic, Dark and Grass.But beware, if you see a Fire type, Like Infernape, a Flying type, like Staraptor or a Rock type, Like Golem, then change Pokemon if you can. These Pokemon types are super effective against bug. If you got a Heracross, Psychic is 4 TIMES super effective on you.
rock,electric, psychic,ice,normal,flying,ghost,steel,fire,water,dragon, and ghost type pokemon are super-effective against a zubat
Rock, electric, ice, and psychic types are super effective against Crobat.
There are 3 types that work best against psychic Pokemon: Bug,Rock,Ghost, and Dark.
The most effective in rock type Pokemon is water Pokemon ofcourse.
Flying and psychic are super effective against fighting.
Steel is super effective against rock type pokemon.
Fighting type moves are super effective against: Rock, Steel, Ice, Normal.