Grass, ground, ice, and water is good against Nidoking, see the link below.
Nidoking is weak against Ground, Psychic, Water, and Ice-type moves.
Nidoking is a dual Poison/Ground-type Pokemon.
Ground type is super effective against electric, fire and rock type Pokémon.
Ground-types are super effective against electric-type Pokémon.
Actually the Ground is the only super effective type against thunder type pokemon.
Nidoking is weak against Ground, Psychic, Water, and Ice-type moves.
Nidoking is a dual Poison/Ground-type Pokemon.
no pokemon!if nidoking has ground type moves,use them against the gym leader.
Ground type is super effective against electric, fire and rock type Pokémon.
Bug Type and Fighting Type moves are super effective against it.
normal type Pokemon are not super effective against any type.
Ground-types are super effective against electric-type Pokémon.
Actually the Ground is the only super effective type against thunder type pokemon.
ground type Pokemon are super effective against poison type Pokemon.
The most effective type against Mudkip is the Grass type.
Nidoking is #34 in the national pokedex, and it is a Poison-Ground type Pokemon.
Rock, electric and ice are super effective against flying type pokemon.