check trash cans for hidden switches
The Switches to get to Lieutenant Surge in his gym are in the trash cans in his gym.
there are two switches hidden randomly in the trash cans u MUST push both at the same time cause there are 2 fences.
i think you just need to look until you get two trash cans in a row with the switches in them
Check the trash cans in the gym eventually you will find one switch now the check the trash can right next to it this can mean the one above it and the door will be opened.
check trash cans for hidden switches
No it changes.
Find the two switches hidden in the trash cans. The two switches are next to each other.
The switches that are hidden in the trash cans are randomized to any of the trash cans. Once you find one of them the next one will be in the closest trash can that you found the first one in.
There are a couple of secret switches in the gym, all hidden in one of the trash cans. Good luck to you.
The Switches to get to Lieutenant Surge in his gym are in the trash cans in his gym.
hidden power only
there are two switches hidden randomly in the trash cans u MUST push both at the same time cause there are 2 fences.
Find the two switches in the trash cans in the gym. To do this, go to a trash can and press the A button.
The ones with "Hidden Talents" are: Torchie Martin Trash Cheater Flinch
Celadon Game Corner.