There is a trainer in the solaceon cafe if you have battled him before you cant battle him but one of the guys in blue has it
hope this helps
your rival has a munchlax when u vs Jupiter and mars in spear pillar
You can only get Snorlax by evolving Munchlax.
It evolves via happiness
You need to get it's friendship to full.
It evovles with max happiness
Trainer inside the Café Cabin on Route 210.
There is no trainer in platinum that is willing to trade a munchlax.
Your rival in diamond/pearl/platinum
trade it.
a honey tree
your rival has a munchlax when u vs Jupiter and mars in spear pillar
Sorry but there isn't a trainer with a bagon in platinum.
munchlax is a pretty hungry Pokemon so i guess a lot of honey
no one no trainer has a kingdra in Pokemon platinum exept for me :P
You can only get Snorlax by evolving Munchlax.
It evolves via happiness
You need to get it's friendship to full.