unfortunately there is no trainer with a chikorita for you to see. You have to trade it from an emerald cartridge.
i do but it is meganium but i breed it for chikorita
your rival Heart if you picked a totodile your rival has a chikorita
You can't you have to migrate
The first trainer on the way to the Pokemon league has a luminion.
i do but it is meganium but i breed it for chikorita
There is not a trainer in soul silver that has a chikorita.
In heartgold please :)
your rival Heart if you picked a totodile your rival has a chikorita
You can't you have to migrate
The first trainer on the way to the Pokemon league has a luminion.
Chikorita is a starter Pokemon in soul silver and heart gold you can't find it in the wild, but if you just want to battle it some trainer may have it.
In "Diamond," you can find a trainer in the Victory Road that will have a Whiscash.
U have to choose totodile as your starter and the person with red hair will battle u with one