let me guess you need to complete your pokedex.... you can find fineon with a good rod on route 218
When you surf up to Sunny shore city, there will be fishermen trainers. The first trainer you see will have a Lumineon at level 38, the evolved form of Finneon.
There are some fishermen on the edge of the route that leads to sunnyshore. The second one closest to where you entered the route has finneon. He has 4 Pokemon magikarp, finneon, remoraid, and gyradose. all near level 40
Pokemon 134 is Finneon in diamond
The Pokemon are Finneon and lumineon. Here is how to see them/catch them. Finneon: You can catch a finneon easily with a good rod in the water at the valley windworks. Lumineon:There is a female trainer in the water on the way to victory road that has a Lumineon if you battle her! ************************************************************************* Hope this helped...
You can find a Finneon at stark Mt. To find a trainer with a Lumineon go to Sunyshore city, and the first trainer you see will have a lumineon at Lv. 38 or so.the 2nd and 3rd fishermen on route 222 have finneon
When you surf up to Sunny shore city, there will be fishermen trainers. The first trainer you see will have a Lumineon at level 38, the evolved form of Finneon.
In Pokemon diamond, Pearl and Platinum you can see the evolved form of Finneon, Lumineon, on Route 223 in a trainer battle. The trainer who has a Lumineon is called Miranda. In Pokemon Platinum the trainer Cassandra also has a Lumineon.
There are some fishermen on the edge of the route that leads to sunnyshore. The second one closest to where you entered the route has finneon. He has 4 Pokemon magikarp, finneon, remoraid, and gyradose. all near level 40
do lots of trainer battles but make sure your Finneon is first in your party. do lots of trainer battles and as soon as you battle them switch to a tougher Pokemon and make it beat the trainers Pokemon your Finneon and tougher Pokemon will both get lots of exp which will level it up quicker and evolve it quicker it'll help if your tougher Pokemon and Finneon is holding an exp share hope this helped!
Pokemon 134 is Finneon in diamond
The Pokemon are Finneon and lumineon. Here is how to see them/catch them. Finneon: You can catch a finneon easily with a good rod in the water at the valley windworks. Lumineon:There is a female trainer in the water on the way to victory road that has a Lumineon if you battle her! ************************************************************************* Hope this helped...
lumineon (evolded form of finneon)
You can find a Finneon at stark Mt. To find a trainer with a Lumineon go to Sunyshore city, and the first trainer you see will have a lumineon at Lv. 38 or so.the 2nd and 3rd fishermen on route 222 have finneon
You can get finneon in many routes by using the good rod :)
The evolved form of Finneon is Lumineon.