You have to talk to the man that takes you to iron island and make him go to fullmoon island. Go upwards and you will find a Cresselia dropping feather i don't remember the name of. Then you will have to talk to the boy again and he will be cured.
the sick boy in Pokemon diamond is in canalave city in the house on the very bottom left corner .x
i think it happens when you beat the elite four
in the I.N.N in the canalave city (you must have member card and the boy in the canalave city sick and you awaking the boy with lunar wing)
As you advance in the game, you will find that you are able to go to Iron Island from the cruise ship in Canalave City. When the game is beaten, the ship in Snowpoint City Will be able to take you to the Fight, Survival, and Resort Zones. The Battle Tower is there. The final place that will become available is Half-Moon Island, which is again in Canalave City, after you cure the sailor's sick son.
In Canalave city up ahead the Pokemon center is a harbor inn. There should be a house in there and in it will be the sailor's son. Talk a little time with him them go to sailor that took you to iron island, and he will be able to take you to new moon island and there you will find the legendary Pokemon cressalia as well as an item to cure the sick sailors son.
the sick boy in Pokemon diamond is in canalave city in the house on the very bottom left corner .x
He is on the dock by the boats
you get it from a clown in vermilion city EDITED THIS IS DIAMOND!!!!!!!
new moon island, talk to the sailers family and the boy will be sick, go to the sailer and he'll bring you there
the sick boy stays in the sailor's house in canalave city after you get the national pokedex.
When u are in olivine city u can't battle the gym leader, jasmine, until u bring a potion to the sick pokemon, amphy. U have to surf to cianwood city where you have to go to cianwood city pharmact where the man will give you a potion. U then have to surf back to olivine city's lighthouse where you will finf jasmine, the gym leader, right on top with the sick pokemon. Hope I've helped!!
well after you talk to the sick boy in canalave city you go and talk to the boys dad (THE SALOIR THAT TAKES YOU TO IRON ISLAND) HE WILL TAKE YOU TO THIS ISLAND AND you have to get a night wing or something BUT THIS IS THE BEST BIT YOU GET TO CATCH A CRECELIA YAY I HAVE 1
cresselia will be roaming sinnoh
i think it happens when you beat the elite four
Well if you finished and your getting sick of it you sould start a new game
In the city where the sick lighthouse Pokemon was, go to the restaurant beside the Pokemon center and talk to the guy sitting at the table. He's the one who gives your Pokemon strength.
By darkrai.jou need to fulmoon island. By by from belgium.