If you've saved before attempting to capture it, DO NOT save it after you kill it. Instead, try again. If you didn't save before killing it or saved after you killed it, you have to transfer from FireRed or LeafGreen, or trade with someone who does have it.
You can find articuno in the poketch marking app when he's all around
No,But You Can Get Moltres,Zapdos,And Articuno.
Then he is gone and you will have to trade with someone else to get him.
Articuno Zapdos Moltres
The catch rate for the three legendary birds is 3 in all of the games, including Platinum.
u can only get articuno in Pokemon firered, leafgreen and Pokemon Platinum u can't get articuno in emerald
You can find articuno in the poketch marking app when he's all around
articuno,zapdos,and moltres
No,But You Can Get Moltres,Zapdos,And Articuno.
Then he is gone and you will have to trade with someone else to get him.
get them throgh pal park
Articuno Zapdos Moltres
Sorry, you can't! That legendary Pokemon isn't in platinum. you can get Zaptos, Moltres, and Articuno, however!!!
I'm sorry, but articuno isn't in pokemon pearl, it's only in pokemon platinum (talking about the ds games)
You can get Articuno in the Seafoam Islands in Kanto, in Johto, the Seafoam Islands, you can't get it in Hoenn. In Sinnoh you can only get it in platinum. After you beat the league, Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres all roam the sinnoh region.
You can get Articuno in Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver, in Red, Blue, Yellow, HeartGold and SoulSilver, you can find Articuno residing in the Seafoam Islands. In Pokémon Platinum, Articuno starts roaming around the Sinnoh region once you've spoken to Professor Oak in his place in Eterna City after you have received the National Dex and beaten Cynthia.
You can defeat Articuno by using Fire or Electric type moves, such as Eruption or Thunder.