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Q: What to do after getting the 5th badge in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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What city do you get your 5th badge in Pokemon LeafGreen?


How do you get in silph co building in Pokemon LeafGreen?

You must beat team rocket at Pokemon tower and the rocket hideout then get the 5th badge.

How do you get the HM surf in Pokemon ruby version?

Wally's dad gives it to you after getting the 5th badge.

How do you find articunu in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Articuno is in Seafoam Islands you need the HM Strength to get to it though and the HM Surf also you need the 4th and 5th badge.

The Pokemon tracer app in Pokemon Diamond?

the poketch marking map can be obtained by the poketch president after getting the 5th or 7th badge

Where do go after you beat the 5th gym in Pokemon LeafGreen?

go to saffron city to beat Sabrina to get the 6th badge however you need to first go through silph co to do this.

Where is the 5th Pokemon badge for Pokemon sapphire?

It is the balance badge where you fight Norman(your father) in Petalburg City .

Where do you get the 5th badge in Pokemon Sapphire?

you can get the fith badge by going to petalburg the poke gym there.

Where is the 5th badge in Pokemon pearl?

hearthome i think

How do you get the fifth badge in Pokemon Blue version?

You need to defeat Koga in Fuchsia City to get the 5th badge, the Soul Badge.

Where can you find the amulet coin in Pokemon sapphire?

go to your mom after getting your 5th badge this works for both sapphire and ruby but am not sure about emerald !!!!!!!!!

How do you get the 5th badge in pokemon sapphire?

The fifth badge is in Sootopolis City, you need Surf, Dive, and Whirlpool to get it