In Emerald I always use a Lv. 50 Blaziken and a Lv.50 Regice against the first, Blaziken and a Lv.70 Rayquaza on the second, Blaziken and a Lv.55 Metagross on the third,( Ice is weak against fighting and steel), and Rayquaza on the fourth and champion. I have always lost. i hope you lose ok good die you
Arceus, Bibarel, Floatzel, and Mew are four Pokemon that can learn at least four different HMs.
After you defeat the elite four on Pokemon sapphire you complete the pokedex and make all your Pokemon level 100.
of course not
unusual u will get legendary Pokemon
You can defeat the Pokemon League by defeating the Elite Four and the Champion in Pokemon Soul Silver.
rock and roll all night and party every day. and then u give an orgasm to may and head to prof birch and oral to pikachu huge dick with crabs
I assume you are about to fight the Eite Four nad for that I think your team is good enough, but not great. It will get the job done though.
Elite Four Sidney/Sydney: Uses Dark Pokemon Elite Four Phoebe: Uses Ghost Pokemon Elite Four Glacia: Uses Ice Pokemon Elite Four Drake: Uses Dragon Pokemon Champion Steven: Uses mostly Steel & Rock Pokemon.
You can't get to Four Island in Pokemon Red Version.
In terms of Pokemon, the Elite Four are found inside of the Pokemon league. The Elite Four are generally described as the toughest challenge in each of the Pokemon games.
depends on what pokemon you have!
Four Island after you defeat the Elite Four for the first time.
Four Island is a location in Pokemon LeafGreen. To start the journey there, you need to have at least 60 different Pokemon.
Arceus, Bibarel, Floatzel, and Mew are four Pokemon that can learn at least four different HMs.
Well, tht depends on what level your pokemon are and what pokemon you have. All i have to say is that 1. Make sure your pokemon are above level 55 when they battle the Elite Four AND 2. Dont battle with starter Pokemon
Keep battling the Elite Four it really trains your Pokemon!! That's how I train my Pokemon. Either that or an Action Replay, which I have...
Mew Four Doesn't Exist In The Pokemon Game Series At All. It's Probably A Made Up Pokemon.