You can defeat the Pokemon League by defeating the Elite Four and the Champion in Pokemon Soul Silver.
in the Pokemon league on mondays
in the Pokemon league
He disappears until you beat the Pokemon league again.
In Pokemon Heartgold you need Ho-Oh before going to the Elite Four/Pokemon League so I am sure it's the same for Pokemon Soulsilver.
the Pokemon league is after victory road
the s.s. anne
i think so.
beat the league
in the Pokemon league on mondays
In SoulSilver, there is none. You can battle Red, the champion. He is on Mt. Silver and he has about level 84 Pokemon.
in the Pokemon league
you go to the Pokemon league and beat them and then collect the kanto badges
He disappears until you beat the Pokemon league again.
Earn the national Pokédex, go to the mountain where Red is and beat him.