it depends, my opinion is to go to a masjid and ask someone for one.
Right Now Man!
Some words that start with the letter O are:oceanOddOdeofoffOfficeogreoldOliveOnoneOpalOppositeorOrangeorboreganoorganismorgasmorigamiotherotteroughtOxymoronoval
it l r start and select
The Fajr adhan time varies depending on location and the time of year due to the changing length of days and nights. It is called out before the Fajr prayer to remind Muslims that it is time to begin the first prayer of the day. It typically occurs before the break of dawn.
morning before the sun rise (subh)
The time limit of Fajr (dawn) prayer is from the appearance of first sun light at start of sunrise until before the full sunrise.
The last time to begin fasting in Ramadan is before dawn, which is called "seheri" or "suhoor" time. This is typically a short time before Fajr prayer. It is recommended to stop eating and drinking at least a few minutes before Fajr begins to ensure the fast is valid.
To start your day with talk of God is a good thing
Once the Fajr adan begins you aren't allowed to drink or eat. But there is something called Imsak. It's when you stop eating and drinking 10-15 minutes before Fajr prayer.
Hazrat Bilaal (as) was the Mo'azzin at the time of Rasoolullaah (saws). Mo'azzin is the one who gives Azaan or the call to the prayer / Namaaz. When Rasoolullaah (saws) migrated from Makkaah to Madina, Hazrat Bilaal (as) was the first who was commanded to give Azaan in the mosque of Madina.
This Islamic prayer concludes when the sun rises.
The Arabic word "fajr" means: dawn.
Well according to the Koran, a follower of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) witch is called a sahabi named Bilal was the first person to say the azaan.
The cast of Azaan... The Awakening Call - 2010 includes: Princy Gupta Raghuvir Yadav as Jumman