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It only appears during the Bug Catching Contest in National Park, which is held once a day on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. And it turns up all times of day during the contest.

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Q: What time does Scyther appear in Pokemon crystal?
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Where and what time of day can you find a Scyther in Pokemon Pearl?

easy-find someone with it and thn migrate it- find it in the pal park all day scyther is not in Pokemon pearl

What lvl does Scyther evolve?

Pokemon evolve differently every time.

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There is nowhere the player can capture a wild Bulbasaur in Pokemon Crystal. It can be traded using the Time Capsule.

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Go to the underground entrance near Bill's house in Goldenrod City. The haircut brothers appear everyday, besides Mondays, in real time.

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Pokemon 1-151 can get passed through the time capsule.

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Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Crystal are very similar, but not the same. In Pokemon Crystal, you encounter the Legendary Beasts, Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, at the same time, but you only actually battle Suicune.

When you damage raiku or entai in Pokemon crystal when you encounter it the next time will it stay damaged?

no like in Pokemon gold,silver,and crystal version.

How do you get rid of a captured Pokemon on Pokemon crystal?

go to a Pokemon center and use the computer. put any Pokemon you want to release into the wild in a separate box and deposit them. then select the "release" command. a warning will appear and if "yes" is sellected the unwanted Pokemon is gone. gets rid of one at a time.

How do you make time go faster in Pokemon crystal?

You can't make time go faster, but if you want to make the play time continue, leave the game on during in a middle of a task. Pokemon Crystal is based on in-life time. Whatever time it is in real life, that's the same for Pokemon Crystal, unless you had set it to a different time than yours.

Where can you get oddish in Pokemon Crystal?

In Ilex Forest at Night time.

How do you get Misdreavus in Pokemon Crystal?

You can get Misdreavus in the Silver Cave at night time in Pokémon Crystal.

Where can you find Happiny in Pokemon Crystal?

Happiny did not exist at the time of Pokémon Crystal. Therefore, it cannot be obtained.